Based on interviews with visionary scientists, philosophers, physicists, and critical thinkers, this book takes its readers on an exciting journey of discovery. Eva Herr examines the nature of consciousness; the differences between the mind and the brain, the body and the soul, and energy and physical objects; and much, much more. Throughout, her goal is to enhance our understanding of human and cosmic reality so that we can more effectively interact with the world in which we live.

Eva has had the opportunity to engage the minds of today’s top thinkers in the fields of cutting edge science of the human experience and holistic, functional, orthomolecular and alternative medicine for both the mind and body. A list of her past interviews reads like a ‘who’s who’ list of luminaries throughout the world. Eva conducts both her interviews and herself with a raw honesty, devoid of the pitfalls of egotism that is seldom seen today. Eva does her homework and her interviews are the best of the best.
Science grows at the edges, and Eva Herr’s CONSCIOUSNESS – Bridging the Gap of Conventional Science and the New Super Science of Quantum Mechanics” is on the edge. This book contains information that will force a re-writing of the textbooks in psychology and neuroscience. This is your peek into the future. Don’t pass it up.” Congratulations, Eva. Thanks for all you do to make the world a better place.

This provocative book consists of interviews with seven men and two women, all of whom are expanding the boundaries of reality. Eva Herr asks these visionary scientists the exact questions that her readers would ask, and their answers portray a universe more incredible and more wondrous than anything taught in today’s schools. These pioneers paint a panorama of consciousness that is sometimes at odds with itself, yet so vivid that it stretches the limits of what is possible to the breaking point.” Congratulations Eva. Very few people have a record of accomplishment and service that matches yours.
– Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.
Alan Watts Professor of Psychology, Saybrook University; Co-author, Personal Mythology

The investigation of human consciousness is a very serious adventure in today’s world. Eva Herr’s new book on this topic provides the reader with much to ponder, much to agree and disagree on and much to rejoice about! A must read!
– William A. Tiller, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University

Eva Herr’s book CONSCIOUSNESS is the kind of new insight that is so important today. The world is facing a crisis of understanding; a crisis of incoherence and breakdown in communication. It is a crisis because a person doesn’t understand others, doesn’t understand nature, and cannot relate to the world around them. Eva’s book helps to bridge this gap.
Consciousness – Bridging the Gap Between Conventional Science and the New Science of Quantum Mechanics’ is an outstanding and important collection of in-depth interviews and insight. Through understanding one another, we bring about collective change. I am honored to be part of it.

Eva Herr has perhaps written the best introduction to the new developing post-materialist scientific paradigm on consciousness based on quantum physics.
– Amit Goswami
Author of The Self-Aware Universe, The Quantum Doctor, and Physics of the Soul

I was delighted to read and recommend Eva Herr’s most recent book Consciousness and to find how 10 bright and capable individuals could have such different verbal responses to Eva’s questions concerning various aspects of consciousness.
– Dannion Brinkley
Author of the international bestseller Saved by the Light and At Peace in the Light. Made into a television motion picture, Saved by the Light has been seen in over 30 countries.

Eva Herr is an experienced and knowledgeable holistic educator whom I have known for many years. Her method of explaining the value of alternative medicine is invaluable. Her encyclopedic knowledge is eye opening and provides useful information that can guide people to the appropriate health care practitioners providing hope when there was none.
– Burton Goldberg
Doctor of Humanities Honorable; Capital University of Integrated Medicine;
Author, Alternative Medicine The Definitive Guide

Eva Herr is recognized as a highly knowledgeable health resource of traditional as well as new innovative approaches to healthcare that are used around the world. She has an encyclopedic knowledge base of the mind body aspects of disease and the preventive aspects of nutrition and supplements. Her exceptional understanding of the physical and emotional aspects of health and disease are comprehensive and integrate approaches practiced by numerous traditional and frontier healers to prevent and restore optimal health and wellness. She has recently been nominated accepted as an Ínspire Me Today luminary www.inspiremetoday.com. She also is a board member of the Alliance for Addiction Solutions and chairs its monthly educational teleconference committee ~ teaching holistic solutions for addiction and mood disorders. It is my position that she is a valuable resource to educate both the average person, as well as healthcare professionals on the importance of both physical and emotional aspects of wellness and disease. I believe that to attend one of her educational lectures would be a great and empowering experience for anyone.
– Dr. Mark Neveu
Vice President, Research and Development, Neurological Research Institute
Honorary Harvard Fellow
Former President and CEO, National Foundation of Alternative Medicine
Co-Chair, Human Health Project
Chief Scientific Officer for NRG Spas

Psychologist and philosopher, William James, addressed the world of anomalies by pointing out that empirical data must be changed when we assert that all crows are black and we find but one white crow. You will find many white crows in Eva Herr’s new book, Consciousness: Bridging the Gap Between Conventional Science and the New Super Science of Quantum Mechanics. Discover the truth, not just about consciousness at large, but about your personal consciousness and its power in this paradigm shattering composition!
– Eldon Taylor, Ph.D.
New York Times bestselling author of Choices and Illusions and Mind Programming

In her book, Consciousness, Eva Herr pats the chair, pours some tea, and invites us to listen in on conversations with some of the leading thinkers and scientists of our day. But this is no ordinary tea. Before you know it, the grandfather clock stops in mid-chime, the room distorts and the oriental rug turns into a magic carpet. Suddenly you are soaring through wild sectors of imagination and time, at the very fringes of awareness. This is the new science: the wonderland that lies between research and mystery.
– Paul Rademacher
Author of A Spiritual Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Universe, and former executive director of The Monroe Institute.

Having personally experienced a near-death experience, past life, self-induced and energy healing, animal communication, voices and communication with the dead, I know that consciousness is non-local and exists without the mind-body. I have learned about our potential from these experiences and for me God is loving, intelligent, conscious energy. Amazing abilities are built into all living things so we can heal our wounds, resist illnesses, and alter our genes. Reading this remarkable book can help you to open your mind and learn about the true nature and mystery of life.”
– Bernie Siegel, M.D.
Author of 365 Prescriptions For The Soul and A Book of Miracles

Eva Herr has done an excellent, courageous and creditable job, probing the understandings of a spectrum of brilliant researchers on the leading edges of consciousness research. Anyone who is seeking answers to who we are and how we know what we know will be fascinated by this series of discussions.

Eva presents us with a wonderful set of questions posited to people that give us unique, thoughtful and a variety of stimulating answers.
– Elizabeth Rauscher, Ph.D.
World-renowned Physicist, Researcher, and Presenter
President, Tecnic Research Laboratory